Many of our customers are interested in solutions to providing water when the power is off. Our Blogs on sizing and connecting generators and the considerations that should be taken into account when purchasing a generator have become quite popular resources for many people around the world. This blog will explore generator alternatives to supplying electricity for your well pump.
Read MoreMany of us have some time to think about the current pandemic facing our world and how it might affect our personal situation. The media regularly shares information about social distancing along with proper sanitation and hygiene, but less attention is paid to other vectors for the transmission of viruses. The CDC has a great resource on other vectors for Covid Virus transmission here!
Read MoreThis blog is not just another reminder, in light of the current coronavirus threat, to practice great hygiene; but to think about why hygiene is so critical. It is also a reminder to think about where the water comes from that enables you to practice great hygiene. As you stand at the sink washing your hands several times a day, consider that practicing basic hygiene helped improve the lives of many people years before the introduction of vaccinations and antibiotics.
Read MoreMany of our customers ask if there is anything they can do themselves to check and maintain their submersible well pump equipment in the springtime. This blog will give you some of the main pointers to check a basic submersible well pump system that uses a well pump, a bladder type pressure tank and pressure switch for normal operation.
Read MoreOnce you’ve reviewed your storage tank needs and figured out how much water you need to store, and determined the best location for your storage tank, how do you go about selecting the storage tank that is right for your needs? This article will deal specifically with the high-density polyethylene tanks (HDPE), but some of the questions and considerations can be applied to other types of tanks.
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