Drinking Water Contamination: Types of Contaminants in Water

When you drink water, you usually don’t think about the contaminants in it. The truth is that the drinking water you think is safe is highly contaminated. There are certain types of drinking water contaminants – from chemicals to hidden waterborne ones. If you think that your drinking water may be contaminated, you should get a water filtration and purification service. You can get this service from a leading company that also provides sump pump installation in Calistoga, and make sure that you and your family are kept safe from illnesses and diseases caused by contaminated drinking water.

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How to protect your water well from harmful pollutants?

When you have a water well on your property, there are a number of things you can do to protect it against harmful pollutants. Once groundwater in a well is contaminated, it can be extremely difficult and expensive to get it cleaned and made suitable for use again. There is nothing like protecting your water well from becoming contaminated by harmful pollutants in the first place. Once you are sure that your water well is pollutant-free, you can seek the help of a well-known and reliable well pump installation company in Solano County to give you a good supply of groundwater to meet your requirements.

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How to Winterize your well pump equipment and keep your pipes from freezing this winter!

If your entire household relies on a well for drinking water and other needs, it is time you take the initiative to winterize it. Without proper maintenance, especially during winter, wells can easily freeze, and thus create a sudden and urgent need for Napa well pump repair work. Fortunately, well maintenance isn’t as hard as you may think. By following a few simple steps, you can rest assured your well will function well through the winter without any glitches.

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Testing your well Water for Bacteria

There are many things in our lives that we tend to take for granted – for instance, the water we drink. If you use water from a private well, you should get it tested for bacteria at least once a year. Typically, ground water is clean and safe for consumption. However, contamination can occur due to improper installation of well caps or casings that can be easily fixed by Angwin well pump repairing service provider. Since, private well water is not examined by the EPA for quality, wells should be properly maintained and the water must be checked regularly for the presence of microbes and bacteria to prevent illnesses.

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