Posts in Pump Service & Maintenance
Preparing for a fire..

Several of our OPS team members are fire fighters in addition to their responsibilities at OPS. This means they volunteer their time and talents helping to minimize or prevent damage from the fires ravaging California and the Napa Valley. In this article, we want to share some very basic steps you can take that will maximize the possibility of your property surviving and minimize damage should fire creep onto your property.

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Help! My property was just destroyed by fire... I need water to rebuild.

In the last several years Napa County has been hit with fires that have ravaged many rural properties. Our staff at OPS have worked with many families to rebuild, renew, and restore what was lost. OPS has staff that have not only volunteered through local fire departments and experienced evacuations but are dedicated to serving our community and helping restore what was lost. In this article, we want to give some highlights to homeowners that are suffering from fire damage BEFORE they pull the trigger on rebuilding.

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Considering a move to the countryside? The in's and out's of water supply for rural country properties.

America is currently experiencing a demographic shift and millions of people are looking to move to more rural areas. For many people, the considerations that are part of country life are a daunting mystery. What do I do with trash if there is no garbage pickup? What happens if I have a problem with my sewer system? What is involved in supplying water to my house, garden or landscaping?

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Should I put a variable frequency or constant pressure pump system in?

Just as the car industry has seen radical changes with self driving cars and the use of alternative fuels, the water pumping industry has experienced significant changes too. One of the most significant changes is the use of advanced pump controllers that monitor the water pressure and adjust the pump speed to exactly match the water demand.

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