Is my water safe to drink after a fire?

With the fires in our region, many of our customers call and ask if their water is safe to drink/use. This is an excellent question and observation because of the ash in the air that can settle into water supplies and the fire retardants dropped from aircraft that may be close to water supplies. There are many factors that go into answering this questions properly that this blog is designed to help people understand the process of determining if your water is safe to drink.

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Help! My property was just destroyed by fire... I need water to rebuild.

In the last several years Napa County has been hit with fires that have ravaged many rural properties. Our staff at OPS have worked with many families to rebuild, renew, and restore what was lost. OPS has staff that have not only volunteered through local fire departments and experienced evacuations but are dedicated to serving our community and helping restore what was lost. In this article, we want to give some highlights to homeowners that are suffering from fire damage BEFORE they pull the trigger on rebuilding.

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Considering a move to the countryside? The in's and out's of water supply for rural country properties.

America is currently experiencing a demographic shift and millions of people are looking to move to more rural areas. For many people, the considerations that are part of country life are a daunting mystery. What do I do with trash if there is no garbage pickup? What happens if I have a problem with my sewer system? What is involved in supplying water to my house, garden or landscaping?

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When should I replace my well pump?

Many homeowners with wells ask “How many years does a submersible well pump last?” or “When should I plan to replace my well pump?” There are many factors involved in answering these questions! An answer like “every 8 years” fails to recognize the quality of the equipment installed and the primary factors that influence the longevity of your pump!

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Where should I purchase a submersible well pump from?

In this blog, we will explore the various options for purchasing a submersible well pump. We’ll also explore the pros and cons of these options. If you aren’t ready to purchase a new submersible well pump yet, but want to know what size well pump you need, check out this blog! Perhaps you want to know what’s involved in removing/replacing your submersible well pump, if so then check out this recent article.

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