The falling leaves mean that sump pump season is here!

With the falling leaves and the cooling temperatures comes the wet season for the Napa Valley.

With the dry heat we experience it is easy to forget the sump pump tucked away under a deck, garage, in a basement or crawl space. If you have a sump pump, now is the time to check and make certain it’s working! There’s nothing like going to the basement only to find you have a swimming pool with your spare couch floating around in it.

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The power is out and the water is off!

You may be feeling the effects of the power cuts by PG&E very deeply, especially if you are a rural homeowner with a well and submersible well pump that supply your water. Loss of power most often means that you don’t have any water at all. As you know, this means the toilets don’t flush and the dishes pile up in the sink! In this article, we’ll try to give homeowners that supply their own water some options to help keep the water flowing, even when the power is off for several days.

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What is the best location for my water storage tank?

If you’ve decided that you need a water storage tank and have an idea of the volume of water you want to store, the next logical questions is: Where do I put this water storage tank? There are several factors to consider when making this decision that we will explore in today’s blog post. If you’re still thinking about if you need a water storage tank or what size tank might work for your needs, please review those previous blog posts.

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How big should my water storage tank be?

Water storage tanks come is many different sizes, shapes colors and materials. The key factor that should be considered is the volume of water the storage tank can hold. This post will help you understand the factors that need to be considered to determine the size of the storage tank. If you are wondering if you even need a storage tank, check out some of our other posts including Do I Need a Water Storage Tank?

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I think my well is dry, what should I do?

Many of our customers express concern that the well may “drying up” or “going dry” when they have a water shortage. In this blog we will will explore this problem and look at solutions that don’t involve drilling a new well! It might also be helpful to check out our blog post on the main causes for running out of water .

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