Monitoring your aquifer and water usage with leads to power, time and money savings.

Agriculture and rural properties rely on their water wells, storage tanks and booster pumps to provide water for their homes, plants and businesses. As costs for power increase, water availability is decreasing in drought prone areas and these rural properties and agricultural businesses are looking for ways to manage their water effectively with cost effective options.

Managing the water that is available effectively has become a key focus. Effective water management strategies help in the following ways:

  • Identify how much, when & where water waste is occurring

  • Identify how much, when & where water usage is occurring

  • Ensure crops are not over/under watered.

  • Track of the amount of water in tanks, ponds and wells over long periods of time so yearly trends can be identify and long term planning can be implemented

  • Determine if there is a leak or equipment failure rapidly and provide alerts

  • Decrease power usage and costs by decreasing water usage/waste and the corresponding (ever more expensive) power to pump the water.

  • Decrease the amount of time/labor & resources spent physically checking infrastructure to monitor tank/pond/well water levels/flow rates/etc... is a company that is helping their customers both monitor and manage their water by providing robust/simple solutions for monitoring quantity of water in wells/aquifers, storage tanks, ponds or flowing in pipelines. They also provide the ability to control water remotely such as valves and pumps. This powerful ability is realized through their cloud based software and App that puts your entire water system management in the palm of your hand for a very reasonable price.

If you’d like more information on installing water management equipment for your site, don’t hesitate to call our team that has more than 40 years of experience helping our clients solve water problems just like yours. The the team at is also an incredible resource as well. Happy water managing!